MDOC2D and the Future of DMP | COL Robert Meeuwsen (NLD A, NATO C2COE)

MDOC2D and the Future of DMP | COL Robert Meeuwsen (NLD A, NATO C2COE)

In 2019, the NATO C2COE commissioned a two-part study on the future of the command post. The ‘Future of the Command Post’ explored the attitudes and expectations of senior NATO leaders, and academy students towards technology, and the theoretical dispers
NATO Command and Control Centre of Excellence


vor 3 Jahren
In 2019, the NATO C2COE commissioned a two-part study on the future
of the command post. The ‘Future of the Command Post’ explored the
attitudes and expectations of senior NATO leaders, and academy
students towards technology, and the theoretical dispersed command
post of the future. Respondents largely embraced the idea of
technology acting as a …

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