Begilufin - Berlin Live- Fashion (#1) #229

Begilufin - Berlin Live- Fashion (#1) #229

60 Minuten
Freie Radios – Berlin Brandenburg


vor 1 Woche
We play a wild, confusing mess of international sounds, stretching
from the birth of recorded music to something we heard two days
ago. We do our best to ignore the normal, accentuate the weird, and
ignore borders, boundaries and time-zone.


After a long hot summer, Begilufin’s back with newfound FASHION

Tonight, your hosts Ziv Lode and Dan Abbott, back from the summer
break looking as splendid as two glittering peacocks, bring you an
hour of stylish tunes themed around FASHION! That’s sixty super
sartorial minutes of songs about clothes, hair, make-up and lookin’
good. Who know, as well as the usual transglobal musical
de-education, you might pick up a couple of bonus glamour tips. In
our Swarovski-studded record box tonight, we have a dazzling array
of ditties from Japan, Holland, Zambia, Sweden, Italy, Brazil and
Nigeria - things might get a little gaudy!

On our “Island” tonight, we have a chew on a new single by
Indonesian combo “Babon” who offer up a cinematic landscape full of
longing guitar twanglings.

As always, this is spontaneous and occasionally quite silly radio -
we often throw in a couple of genuine mistakes for your

1. Eduardo Vianello - Abbronzatissima
2. Marcos Valle - Nem Paletó, Nem Gravata
3. Los Salvajes - Estas botas son para caminar
4. Devendra Banhart - Long Hair Child
5. Original 1971 Japanese Cast - Hair
6. Messer Chups - A Man In Kaiman Boots
7. Babon - Desert Rose
8. Babon - TNT
9. Gogol Bordello - Start Wearing Purple
10. The Softs - Paarse Broek
11. Izabo - Fashion Free
12. The Music Magicians - Convertibles And Headbands

# Begilufin

Begilufin is an hour long radio show broadcast live twice a month
from the heart Berlin on the station Pi Radio. On Begilufin we play
a wild, confusing mess of international sounds, stretching from the
birth of recorded music to something we heard two days ago. We do
our best to ignore the normal, accentuate the weird, and ignore
borders, boundaries and time-zones. Each show revolves around a
central theme and then we surprise each other (and you, dear
listener) with our selections live on air.

Since you ask, ‘Begilufin’ is a Hebrew word meaning intoxicated,
inebriated, drunk, sozzled or smashed - a perfect description of
the delirious off-centre mix of crazed music we like to spin on the
show or indeed the effect it might have on your ears.

Begilufin was created by Ziv Lode in 2010. Ziv was joined by Dan
Abbott a couples of years later after a chance meeting in a
kindergarten playground revealed a mutual love of the music of
Erkin ‘The Turkish Hendrix’ Koray.


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