The topic of “dying” should be normalized instead of concealing - Das Thema »Sterben«: normalisieren statt totschweigen

The topic of “dying” should be normalized instead of concealing - Das Thema »Sterben«: normalisieren statt totschweigen

D2K Day — the so-called Dying to Know Day — a day about what most of us don't want to think about: death. This years Dying to Know Day took place in several cities in Australia in August and the German migrant Astrid Wehling was part of the Sydney event a
10 Minuten
Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and German-speaking Australians. - Nachrichten und Geschichten aus unserer deutschsprachigen Community in Australien, in deutscher Sprache.


vor 2 Tagen
D2K Day — the so-called Dying to Know Day — a day about what most
of us don't want to think about: death. This years Dying to Know
Day took place in several cities in Australia in August and the
German migrant Astrid Wehling was part of the Sydney event and
shares her thoughts in conversation with SBS correspondent Barbara
Barkhausen. - D2K-Day – der sogenannte Dying to Know-Day – ein Tag,
bei dem es um das geht, über das die meisten von uns eher nicht
nachdenken wollen: den Tod. Dieser Dying to Know-Day fand nun im
August in mehreren Städten in Australien statt und die deutsche
Auswanderin Astrid Wehling war in Sydney vor Ort und berichtet im
Gespräch mit SBS-Korrespondentin Barbara Barkhausen.

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