#030: How To Remember Everything with Grandmaster of Memory Mattias Ribbing

#030: How To Remember Everything with Grandmaster of Memory Mattias Ribbing

58 Minuten


vor 7 Jahren

Train your brain to think in images. - Grandmaster of Memory
Mattias Ribbing

“Max, take the newspaper and tell me a page number." Mattias
looks at me with a broad grin, like a magician before his best
trick. I told him a number and he began reciting the content on
the entire page, the headlines, the details in the text, even the
names of the photographers mentioned below the photos in fine

Mattias noticed that I was very much blown away and
enticed me: “This is no witchcraft, Max. Everyone can
learn this and now I'll teach you how…”

Mattias Ribbing is a bestselling Swedish book author, beloved
speaker at a multitude of events, a great musician and an
acclaimed Grandmaster of Memory. More than
that, he is considered one of the best memories and
brightest minds in the world.

Mattias and I spoke already several times at the same event
including the Bulletproof Biohacking Conference in Los
Angeles and the Biohacker Summit in London but we really got
to know each other when we randomly sat next to each other on a
flight from London to Austin, Texas, to attend the Paleo f(x)
Conference (you know you're having a connection when
the passenger row in front of you starts complaining to
the flight attendants).

In this very inspiring episode, Mattias and I discuss the
advantages of the ketogenic diet before competitions, why he is
excited about living in the countryside, what the term Biohacking
means to him and how our memory really works. He also shares a
powerful visualization technique that everybody can use in
order to boost memory while reading anything.

The video of this episode is a bit bumpy but the audio is
fantastic. That's why I would recommend listening. If you are
struggling remembering things in your everyday life, then this
episode will be a true gem for you.



1:41 - How Mattias and I randomly sat next to each other
on a long-haul flight

3:10 - Mattias explains his trick to remember two newspapers
at the same time

6:50 - Why reading somethings twice over doesn't work

9:35 - What the term Biohacking means to Mattias

16:40 - How Mattias uses the ketogenic diet to prepare for
memory competitions

21:11 - An explanation for the optimal way of thinking

24:59 - A memorization technique to remember every page in a

30:34 - How experiences can help with learning

34:03 - Learning math using visualization methods

41:05 - How disturbances in your environment can help you
train getting into the flow state

46:03 - On "Ribbing's Bike", an easy-to-use method to
remember 10 things within 10 minutes

53:40 - What everybody should do

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