#017: How to improve your Reading Speed with Jonathan Levi

#017: How to improve your Reading Speed with Jonathan Levi

33 Minuten


vor 8 Jahren

"Visual memory is way more powerful than auditory memory.“ -
Jonathan Levi

Did you ever dream of picking up a book, reading it in one
sitting and then recall it in great detail at the next
sophisticated dinner conversation? If yes, then you will enjoy
listening to Jonathan Levi. The young entrepreneur does not have
time to read anything twice with many simultaneous projects
demanding his attention. Jonathan hosts the very successful
Becoming Superhuman Podcast (LINK), develops cutting-edge online
courses to accelerate learning and improve memory, and still aims
to read one book per week while spending at least 72 hours per
month outside in nature. The man has developed powerful methods
to massively upgrade his learning and memorization skills because
he doesn’t like to compromise when it comes to reaching his

In this episode, Jonathan shares some easy methods to read
faster, learn quicker, and memorize greater chunks of
information. He talks about the importance of using our visual
memory, why he prefers written text to audio books, and gives two
methods that everyone can use right now to immediately start
remembering the names of people at the next cocktail party. Enjoy
and leave us a comment below!

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