#008: Using Gratitude to be Happier with Emily Fletcher

#008: Using Gratitude to be Happier with Emily Fletcher

51 Minuten


vor 8 Jahren



“When you're meditating, your taking your brain to the gym.” -
Emily Fletcher


Emily Fletcher is one of those people that you just want to be
around. The broadway star turned famous meditation teacher
radiates positivity, generously gives out hugs and avidly answers
questions about meditation, nutrition, and gratitude. I met Emily
at the Bulletproof Biohacking Conference a couple of months ago
and wanted to have her on the Flowgrade Show ever since
then. This episode definitely is one of my favorite so far and I
really hope you’ll enjoy it.


In this episode, Emily and I talk about her journey from Broadway
Showgirl to Meditation Teacher, why monks prefer mindfulness
meditation, and why you should avoid chanting certain mantras all
day long (hint: you might give away your car keys). You will also
learn how being grateful changes your brain chemistry, why you
should never drink coffee before your meditation, and an easy
technique to calm your monkey mind in an emergency.


This is a great one! Have fun and thank you for listening!


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