#007: Superman Brandon Routh on Living Bulletproof, Finding Flow, and Soul Food

#007: Superman Brandon Routh on Living Bulletproof, Finding Flow, and Soul Food

9 Minuten


vor 8 Jahren

Hollywood actor Brandon Routh (@BrandonJRouth) is one of those
guys who really needs to keep in shape. Most famous for his
leading role as Clark Kent in the blockbuster Superman
Returns co-starring Kevin Spacey, he now portrays another
superhero, the Atom, in two different TV shows, Arrow and Legends
of Tomorrow.


In this episode of the Flowgrade Show, Brandon explains how he
has found the Bulletproof Diet to be an excellent method to not
only stay in shape but also to stay focused during stressful
shooting days. The actor also describes a typical eating day for
him and names the supplements he prefers to take on a deserted


Show notes and links for this episode can be found at



What you will hear:

0:00 - The famous Flowgrade Show Intro

1:45 - A typical day in the life of Brandon Routh

2:45 - The great thing about being Bulletproof

3:25 - On taking supplements and tapping into the Flow State

4:40 - Superman’s workout regime

5:50 - 5 things Brandon would take on a deserted island

6:46 - 2 books Brandon recommends

7:50 - Food as a gateway into the soul


Enjoy and if you like what we do, leave us a review! :)


This podcast is brought to you by Flowgrade, Europe’s first
curated online store for Biohacking products. Find your personal
selection of premium nutritional products, supplements, and tools
to help you reach the Flow State at your wish.

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