Chancellor candidates - Die Kanzlerkandidaten im Überblick

Chancellor candidates - Die Kanzlerkandidaten im Überblick

In one year, a new federal government will be elected in Germany. Before that, there is traditionally a months-long scramble between the parties over the question of who should become a candidate for chancellor. It's not always gentlemanly, because big eg
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vor 23 Stunden
In one year, a new federal government will be elected in Germany.
Before that, there is traditionally a months-long scramble between
the parties over the question of who should become a candidate for
chancellor. It's not always gentlemanly, because big egos clash.
Different this year. The candidates for the chancellor's office
came into the limelight almost silently. - In einem Jahr wird in
Deutschland eine neue Bundesregierung gewählt. Vorher gibt es
traditionell ein monatelanges Gerangel bei den Parteien um die
Frage, wer denn Kanzlerkandidat werden soll. Da geht es nicht immer
gentlemanlike zu, denn große Egos prallen aufeinander. Anders in
diesem Jahr. Fast geräuschlos sind die Kandidaten um das Kanzleramt
ins Rampenlicht getreten.

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