Time to Lead #6: with Dr. Patti Canchola, Veterinarian - Pueblo (USA) (EN)

Time to Lead #6: with Dr. Patti Canchola, Veterinarian - Pueblo (USA) (EN)


vor 3 Monaten

Dr. Patti Canchola, “Dr Patti”, has been a practicing
veterinarian for 32 years with 12 years in shelter Medicine,
“living the dream of helping people and pets” as she says.

She’s been the CEO of two non-profit organizations, featured on
the National Geographics TV-series “Rocky Mountain Animal Rescue”
and received the “American Humane Hero Veterinarian” award.

Patti and I explore her very personal experience of human
leadership…in a hospital and life. We talk about generosity and
kindness, grief and healing, noise and silence, mentoring and
encouragement, presence and love.

Thank you, Patti, for this deeply human, moving, and life-giving

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Chief Energy Officer – bewusst menschlich führen, Boris

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