Team Member 87 - Khalida Popal

Team Member 87 - Khalida Popal

This might be the episode with most gravitas, the story that has touched my heart most: Khalida Popal flew her home country, life threats in order to follow her dream: to play football.
1 Stunde 9 Minuten


vor 1 Tag
My dear team, I know we’ve had a couple of English episodes
recently but this one I am begging you to listen to until the end.
Before we go any further I must mention a trigger warning though
because we do cover some really harsh, even brutal experiences she
has been through. But Our new team member has the single most
incredible life story I’ve ever heard. It will make you think
differently about life, motivation, perseverance and purpose. About
society, refugees, and justice. and most of all: THE POWER of
Sports!!!! Maybe this is the most inspirational and meaningful
episode I’ve ever recorded for Team Lisa. This is where we can
learn, take the push from to do whatever we truly want to do
because if SHE can follow her dream, WE can follow ours! Please go
check out the show notes for more information about her
organization. Reach out if you feel like sharing your thoughts on
this episode and as always please follow us if you enjoyed what you
heard. Now get ready for our new rockstar team member. This is:
Khalida Popal **Schnitt und Postproduktion: Andy Aksen**
Buy her book here:
Her organization Girl Power:

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