Kristina Kulakova - artist, photographer, communicator

Kristina Kulakova - artist, photographer, communicator

46 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren
Meet my friend, the visual artist, photographer and communicator -
in short multi talented Kristina Kulakova; born in Russia, she
moved to Vienna some ten years ago, worked in the art world and
advertising, and is one of the most worldly traveled people I have
met; Kristina regularly spends time with a tribe in the Amazon
rainforrest in Brazil, she lived months of covid lockdown in India,
went to the US and is currently lots in Portugal. Listen to her
inspiring story on how to find your own light, how she uses art to
share her experiences and inner world with others and visit her
upcoming exhibition „Dancing around suffering. Finding Light in
Darkness" at Silent Gallery at Schleifmühlgasse, Vienna.

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