How to buy a Château? Interview with the owner of Château Saint-Victor-la-Coste

How to buy a Château? Interview with the owner of Château Saint-Victor-la-Coste

26 Minuten
Jeder macht Fehler, auch Unternehmer. Lerne hier von Fehlern und Erfolgen anderer Unternehmer


vor 4 Wochen
In this episode of the Entrepreneur Podcast, Wolfgang Patz
interviews Kostas, the owner of Château Saint-Victor-la-Coste in
the south of France. Kostas shares his deep affection for the
château and discusses the efforts to modernize it while maintaining
its historical character. Kostas highlights Instagram as the
primary marketing tool and a crucial platform for guest
interaction. He also reflects on his experiences as an entrepreneur
and the challenges encountered along the way.

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