Why it gets worse before it gets better - Realtalk with Manu

Why it gets worse before it gets better - Realtalk with Manu

44 Minuten


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Welcome to another solo episode of the Traumweberinnen Podcast!
My name is Manuela Maier and I am your host.

Exactly one year ago I made the decision to change my life. After
that everything got worse before it got better. In this episode I
want to share with you why I spiraled downward after taking the
first steps to improve my life. When we follow a certain path we
build momentum in that direction. We start rolling a little
snowball down the hill, but with time it picks up more snow on
the way, becomes bigger and ultimately faster and more powerful.
Stopping that snowball has now become a big challenge.

Now I'm building a new snowball and it's still pretty little and
stopping it wouldn't nearly take as much strength and sometimes I
wished it was already a much bigger and stronger snowball with a
lot more momentum. But that's the nature of life: life is
cyclical. We start building in spring, grow in summer, harvest in
fall and rest in winter. When we start to be grateful for the
seasons of life and be kind to ourselves no matter the season we
release an enormous amount of pressure.

In this episode I talk about how I've learned and still am
learning to be kind to myself every single day, because it's
truly a game changer when we are kind to ourselves. Let me know
in the comments what you do every day to be kind to

Find your purpose and heal yourself,
lots of love, Manu

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