Beyond 1.5 - Solutions for a New Climate Reality [HEAT #1]

Beyond 1.5 - Solutions for a New Climate Reality [HEAT #1]

20 Minuten


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In Episode 0 of the six-part series "HEAT - Beyond 1.5" we confront
a difficult truth: despite all our efforts toward climate
protection, we must also learn to live with the consequences of the
climate crisis. What can we expect as climate change increasingly
impacts our daily lives? And what technologies or business models
might help us better adapt to the looming climate catastrophe? In
this introductory episode, David Wortmann, founder and CEO of the
Cleantech-focused consultancy DWR eco, and Niko Samios, founder of
the early-stage investor PT1, set the stage for upcoming
discussions. They will meet with leading experts to better
understand the realities of the climate crisis and with
entrepreneurs and investors to explore solutions that can help us
navigate the challenges of climate adaptation.

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