#CISPA@USENIX – Human Factors in Web Security with Sebastian Roth

#CISPA@USENIX – Human Factors in Web Security with Sebastian Roth

28 Minuten


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Time for another round of our TL;DR conference special! At USENIX
2024 in Philadelphia, we met an old CISPA friend: Dr. Sebastian
Roth, Postdoc at TU Vienna. Sebastian did his PhD in the research
group of CISPA-Faculty Dr. Ben Stock, where he focussed on web
security at the intersection of usable security. In the hallway of
the conference hotel, we talk about his time at CISPA, the role of
everyday developers in web security and about the importance of
security standards in the web. Listening is just like meeting an
old friend – enjoy this latest episode of TL;DR!

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