The Potsdam Feeling in Summer - Sonderepisode
In this episode Anne and Claudia talk about the “…
29 Minuten
vor 4 Jahren
In this episode Anne and Claudia talk about the “New Normal” in
Potsdam and how tourism has changed after the COVID 19 lockdown
restrictions have been lifted. They share with the listeners how
public transport, going to restaurants and visiting art museums and
palaces work and they recommend places “off the beaten track” and
which activities work best while social distancing: how about a day
on the water? Sounds good, right?!
Potsdam and how tourism has changed after the COVID 19 lockdown
restrictions have been lifted. They share with the listeners how
public transport, going to restaurants and visiting art museums and
palaces work and they recommend places “off the beaten track” and
which activities work best while social distancing: how about a day
on the water? Sounds good, right?!
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