Canberra German Week - Canberra German Week

Canberra German Week - Canberra German Week

If you are looking for entertainment in Canberra on the weekend, a visit to the many German Week events is recommended. Gabriele Matanovic is the co-coordinator of Deutsche Woche and she says that an army of volunteers worked for months to get this German
6 Minuten
Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and German-speaking Australians. - Nachrichten und Geschichten aus unserer deutschsprachigen Community in Australien, in deutscher Sprache.


vor 1 Tag
If you are looking for entertainment in Canberra on the weekend, a
visit to the many German Week events is recommended. Gabriele
Matanovic is the co-coordinator of Deutsche Woche and she says that
an army of volunteers worked for months to get this German Week off
the ground. - Wer am Wochenende in Canberra Unterhaltung sucht, dem
sei ein Besuch der vielen Veranstaltungen der Deutschen Woche ans
Herz gelegt. Gabriele Matanovic ist die Ko-Koordinatorin der
Deutschen Woche und sie sagt, dass ein Heer von Freiwilligen
monatelang gearbeitet hat, um diese Deutsche Woche auf die Beine zu

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