"What they are telling the public is not true.” A conversation with James Tour, Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science and Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering (Rice University)

"What they are telling the public is not true.” A conversation with James Tour, Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science and Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering (Rice University)

47 Minuten


vor 5 Tagen

James Tour is one of the 50 most influential scientists
in the world - and for good reason. His groundbreaking
development of the nanocar, a tiny molecular-scale vehicle with
rotating wheels and light-activated motors, has revolutionized
the world of nanotechnology and made him a globally recognized
pioneer. Tour holds no less than three professorships (T. T. and
W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science,
and Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering) at the
prestigious Rice University, underscoring his prominent position
in the scientific community.

In this exciting episode, Colin, Hanna and Stephan talk to Tour
about his visionary research in nanotechnology, his innovative
approaches to cancer research and his views on the origin of
life. Particularly fascinating is his account of a conversation
he had at Harvard with Lee Cronin, one of the leading researchers
in the field of the origin of life. Tour delves deeply into the
complexity of cells and the scientific challenges involved in
understanding the beginning of life. It is also impressive how he
integrates his personal faith journey with the big questions of
science. A must-hear for anyone interested in the intersection of
science and faith!

Anyone who wishes to take up James' offer, which
he presents at the end of the conversation, is welcome to write
to him / Wer James' Angebot in Anspruch nehmen will, dass er am
Ende des Gesprächs unterbreitet an, der schreibe ihn gerne an
> tour@drjamestour.org

Und wer das ganze Interview gerne auf Deutsch
nachlesen will: Hier könnt ihr die deutsche Übersetzung des
Gesprächs herunterladen >

And as always, today as well: Feel free to ask us your questions
about this episode. / Und wie immer gilt auch heute: Stellt uns
gerne eure Fragen zu dieser Folge, z. B. via
WhatsApp (+49 1575 424 12 78) oder
E-Mail (glaubeistfragwuerdig@outlook.de).

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