Self development with John Strelecky: delulu or successful? [english]

Self development with John Strelecky: delulu or successful? [english]

1 Stunde 5 Minuten


vor 4 Monaten
In this episode, we’re joined by the famous American author John
Strelecky (The Café at the Edge of the World). It’s our first
English episode—woop woop! We dive into his new book and explore
his views on success, the advice he would offer his younger self,
and the questions he has for his future self. We also discuss his
thoughts on the meaning of freedom. Timecodes: 01:26 Introduction
02:12 delulu  06:06 new book - how you should read it 
11:30 main audience  13:00 advice to his younger self 16:00
definition of success  18:00 parenting 18:33 worst career
advice 22:33 critics about his book 33:00 relationship with money
41:00 what do you want from life?  44:40 great fear 47:20
social media 40:00 guilty pleasure 53:35 space - x launch 58:05
regrets 01:02:00 soundtrack of life Partner: She does future: 
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Mentioned: Big five of life elon musk - space x launch video Zeit
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