Episode 45: The Realm of Gondor
Gondor 1/5: The Realm of Gondor. Welcome to the first of our Gondor
themes! Today we explore 4 variations of this wonderful theme, hear
from Howard Shore and start our countdown to Tolkien Reading Day!
27 Minuten
vor 2 Jahren
Gondor 1/5: The Realm of Gondor. Welcome to the first of our
Gondor themes! Today we explore 4 variations of this wonderful
theme, hear from Howard Shore and start our countdown to Tolkien
Reading Day!
Weitere Episoden
56 Minuten
vor 2 Jahren
23 Minuten
vor 2 Jahren
36 Minuten
vor 2 Jahren
45 Minuten
vor 2 Jahren
9 Minuten
vor 2 Jahren
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