Sonderreihe USA #1: Trump vs. Democracy: From Reality Show to Imperial Presidency
US Politics Uncovered. Wohin steuern die USA?
47 Minuten
vor 1 Monat
From “You’re fired” and “Lock her up” to “Stop the steal” and “the
Supreme Court ruled . . . I’m immune” – Donald Trump in spite /
because of his increasing authoritarian ambitions and violent
rhetoric has had a firm grip on the Republican Party for almost ten
years. This talk seeks to trace Trump’s path from reality show host
to the White House and beyond and will lay bare why, during this
election season, not only the next presidency but US democracy as a
whole is at stake.
Supreme Court ruled . . . I’m immune” – Donald Trump in spite /
because of his increasing authoritarian ambitions and violent
rhetoric has had a firm grip on the Republican Party for almost ten
years. This talk seeks to trace Trump’s path from reality show host
to the White House and beyond and will lay bare why, during this
election season, not only the next presidency but US democracy as a
whole is at stake.
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