
vor 2 Jahren

Memories of life

When we wake up they are immediately back, the problems we have
grown fond of, because these problems have become memories.

Memories are linked to people, to places or to events that we
have "recorded", that spring from the past, not from the NOW and
HERE. Now, if you think of your problems as soon as you wake up,
you are living in the past, not in the present. From these
memories then emotions follow, which extend to the present,
because the discontent, the worries and needs, the sadness, all
this is immediately present again, immediately with getting up
the pains of the life (Weltschmerz) are again there. The present
state is thus not created from the NOW, but is based solely on
what was.

You thus live in the past, which seems more and more "familiar"
to you, which becomes your present, and thus naturally
(co)-determines the future.

Thus, your past naturally has to do with your future destiny,
because you cannot think "anew", you cannot experience the
emotions in the HERE and in the NOW, but you live through the
past again and again.

It follows that life will be similar again and again, because the
same thoughts determine the same actions again and again. Your
behavior is determined by rituals, how we get up, what we do
afterwards, tea or coffee, suit or jeans, we have coupled our
life to the memories. Showering and coffee, the same way to work,
the same rituals, even our thoughts are the same every day, the
same things catch our eye, the same smells appeal to us (or repel
us), the same events evoke the same reactions, routine becomes
our inner software.

Is it still our will to do something, or is it the software
(created by us) that is acting right now? Have you outsourced the
responsibility for your actions? Have you voluntarily placed
yourself in captivity? According to Buddha, we should just not
have preconceived judgments (prejudices), but always look at
things anew, at least as far as that goes.

If you realize that about 90 % of our actions originate from such
software (created by ourselves) then it becomes clear why any
change is so difficult for us. The behavior patterns are learned,
the reactions come from these preconceived judgments, even the
emotions are not from the HERE and in the NOW. If you want to
change, you "must" first realize that you also carry "computer
programs" (software or apps) within you. Only then you can get to
the bottom of the matter, strive for change.

The way is the goal!

Because his memories and intentions are overcome

- Buddha - honorary name of Siddharta Gautama - 560 to 480 before
the year zero


(Please also download my app "Buddha-Blog
English" from the Apple and Android stores)

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