066-The walking water bowl meditation - Buddhism in daily life
6 Minuten
vor 2 Jahren
The walking water bowl meditation
Practicing mindfulness is one of those things. It is not so easy
to concentrate on things, and then the cell phone rings, the
children need something, the meal is not yet ready, the job is
exhausting, the list can be continued forever.
A very good way to train mindfulness is walking water bowl
meditation, which by the way can also be used as pure meditation.
A plastic bowl is recommended for beginners.
The matter is quickly explained, you put a bowl (lightly) filled
with water (comfortably) on your head while standing, straighten
it, and then take a few steps, erect and unagitated. One should
also "walk" very slowly, in slow motion for instance (compare the
general walking meditation), to get a feeling for body, space and
Whoever can now go slower and slower, approaches the goal of the
matter, the mindfulness becomes immanent, the practitioner merges
with the bowl, the water connects (through the equality of the
vibrations) with the water in the body.
Somewhat more challenging are the turns, going around the corner
or stopping. If you can practice outside, you can go further and
further, that is an advantage.
It is quite enough to practice five minutes every day (five days
a week), more is of course always good. Also, when doing the
walking water bowl meditation, you should be alone, turn off the
phone, be completely with yourself. Friends of mine do this
meditation every morning in preparation for their ablutions
(shower), so they can be connected to the water, and make the
most of the time for themselves.
My advice is to at least try to "merge" with the water bowl.
The way is the goal!
He who dwells in meditation lives in righteousness
- Buddha - honorary name of Siddharta Gautama - 560 to 480 before
the year zero
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English" from the Apple and Android stores)
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