052-Buddhist Teachers Part 1 - Buddhism in daily life

052-Buddhist Teachers Part 1 - Buddhism in daily life

7 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

The world has already "seen" many religions, beliefs came and
they also went again, depending on the spirit of the times and
the level of education, man's will is his kingdom of heaven.

Every spiritual teaching has (and had) its spokesmen,
masterminds, priests. No matter what they were called, guru or
monk, abbot or priest, basically a leadership level formed over
time, which gave the direction (and does so until today). The
purpose is to cultivate one's own spiritual life and help others
in the process.

In order to decide for such a spiritual path, first of all the
teachings have to be understood and lived by oneself, which in
consequence brings quite a change. The worldly life becomes less,
the spiritual concerns more. Whoever is willing and receptive to
engage in the incredible changes for himself, is able to break
away from his convictions, wants to go new ways, will reach the
goal. He (or she) will become a good spiritual speaker, no matter
what direction. The detachment from the self-designed role (the
ego) is perhaps the most difficult thing to do. With a lot of
courage, personal devotion and willpower the chaos can be
overcome, only then the Buddhist path begins.

The complex interplay of cause and effect means that without
students there can be no teachers, that a philosophy must never
just "stand in space", because it "lives" from the transmission
of the spiritual message.

The central element for a spiritual mastermind in Buddhism should
be to help others to reach "enlightenment", to see the true
connections, to look behind the scenes.

The sublime Buddha regarded suffering as useless, because it is
"self-made" by the respective person. Similar to a disease, the
Buddhist teacher's task is to heal the patient, to treat him. In
Buddhism, medicine is the word, the philosophy of the teacher of
all teachers speaks of overcoming suffering, in which the teacher
helps the student to "see" the disease, "determine" it, and then
"fight" it.

Although in all people the diagnosis is the same, because it is
about the suffering, and about overcoming the suffering, in each
person the treatment is different, tailored to the needs. To put
it simply, not everyone "clicks" at the same moment, the "penny
drops" not synchronously for everyone.

In any case, at the heart of healing is the philosophy of Buddha,
expressed in the Noble Four Truths and the Eightfold Path.

In a few days I will continue here with part 2 of my treatise on
Buddhist teachers.

In any case: The way is the goal!

If your insight contradicts my teaching, then you shall follow
your insight

- Buddha - honorary name of Siddharta Gautama - 560 to 480 before
the year zero

Copyright: https://shaolin-rainer.de

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English" from the Apple and Android stores)

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