033-The problem ist the trancience - Buddhism in daily life

033-The problem ist the trancience - Buddhism in daily life

6 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

We humans are disoriented, confused, without direction in this
day and age.

Precisely for this reason, the ability to perceive is also
severely damaged, because we need it even faster, even harder,
even more perverse.

Video with sound has replaced the written word, because reading
takes far too long, no one thinks they have the time to read.

Having at least a thousand TV channels is normal, countless
websites relentlessly bring news on every topic, radio, social
networks, people live in a digital abundance, can even run all
sources simultaneously.

Why is this so? Right, deep down man has such incredible fear of
his own transience, so "you" better get on, "you" can't get
enough of it, would be best everywhere, and then nowhere in the

Quickly upload a video, post the food, check the news, calculate
the route, then modern man feels safe, "safe" in the madness of
his environment, without rest and quiet on the way to nowhere.

On top of that, we forget how to read; images from television,
YouTube and cell phones take over the culture in the land of
poets and thinkers. Pure entertainment is in demand, distraction
from fate, the end is near, let's "pull in" another video.

We do everything possible to distract ourselves from our
transience, faster, further, higher, where can we find the next

Reading is already too hard, it's better to watch a movie or
listen to a podcast, then browse through a magazine at the same
time, make a phone call at the same time, supervise the children,
all at the same time.

If we make friends with our transience, then we can lead a
peaceful life, because we can change nothing anyway, it comes as
it must come. If we can't change anything in the outcome of the
matter, then why worry about it at all?

The transitoriness, that is a very good target!

What is transient is not worthy of love, not worthy of joy, not
worthy of inclination.

- Buddha - honorary name of Siddharta Gautama - 560 to 480 before
the year zero 

Copyright: https://shaolin-rainer.de

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English" from the Apple and Android stores)

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