Industrial AI Hardware: Shadow Robot Company

Industrial AI Hardware: Shadow Robot Company

NVIDIA earns its money with hardware, in the UK the developers of Shadow Robot Company also earn their money with hardware. They are building the robotic hand, which is designed to make AI-based robotics possible. We talk to the CEO Rich Walker.
24 Minuten
How the industry can benefit from AI technologies and what it takes to do so.


vor 6 Monaten
Shadow's robotic hand is in high demand - among others at Google
DeepMind - but the British company wants to scale its hand and is
also eyeing other markets. In the podcast, Rich Walker explains
what role AI plays in this and why he is happy with hardware.
Thanks for listening. We welcome suggestions for topics, criticism
and a few stars on Apple, Spotify and Co. We thank our partner
**SIEMENS** Our guest is [Rich
Walker]( #machinelearning
#ai #aimodel #industrialautomation #manufacturing #automation
#genai #datascience #mlops #llm #IndustrialAI

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