How do I explain neural networks to my parents? Use the Crazy Village of AI
How do I explain neural networks to my parents? We talked to Prof.
Günter Klambauer about his idea to use the Crazy Village of AI.
16 Minuten
vor 1 Jahr
How do I explain Deep Learning to my parents? We talked to Prof.
Günter Klambauer about his idea to use the Crazy Village of AI.
Thanks for listening. We welcome suggestions for topics, criticism
and a few stars on Apple, Spotify and Co. We thank our partner
[Günter Klambauer]
(https://www.linkedin.com/in/g%C3%BCnter-klambauer-1b73293a) Thanks
to Women in AI and Robotics
([more](https://www.womeninairobotics.de/)) PLEASE fill out the
survey from Gabriel Krummenacher and the ETH Zurich
We thank our team: Barbara, Anne and Simon!
Günter Klambauer about his idea to use the Crazy Village of AI.
Thanks for listening. We welcome suggestions for topics, criticism
and a few stars on Apple, Spotify and Co. We thank our partner
[Günter Klambauer]
(https://www.linkedin.com/in/g%C3%BCnter-klambauer-1b73293a) Thanks
to Women in AI and Robotics
([more](https://www.womeninairobotics.de/)) PLEASE fill out the
survey from Gabriel Krummenacher and the ETH Zurich
We thank our team: Barbara, Anne and Simon!
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