Women in AI & Robotics: Can truly reliable DL models exist on given hardware systems at all?

Women in AI & Robotics: Can truly reliable DL models exist on given hardware systems at all?

We are very proud to present the first edition of Women in AI & Robotics. Sheila Beladinejad's first guest is Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok from LMU Munich. Gitta asks the question: can truly reliable DL models even exist on given hardware systems?
49 Minuten
How the industry can benefit from AI technologies and what it takes to do so.


vor 1 Jahr
We are very proud to present the first edition of Women in AI &
Robotics. Sheila Beladinejad's first guest is Prof. Dr. Gitta
Kutyniok from LMU Munich. Gitta asks the question: can truly
reliable DL models even exist on given hardware systems? In the
news, we report on Intrinsic, robotics and AI as well as LMU,
Startups Funding, a new AutoML approach from Fraunhofer IPA and
DeepMind. Thanks for listening. We welcome suggestions for topics,
criticism and a few stars on Apple, Spotify and Co. We thank our
partner [Siemens
We thank our team: Barbara, Anne and Simon! Shownotes: Startup
Funding (check
Our guest: Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok ([check

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