Sofa Talk Pre-Christmas Edition: Der Cross-Education Effekt, Einseitiges Training und Teppichboden

Sofa Talk Pre-Christmas Edition: Der Cross-Education Effekt, Einseitiges Training und Teppichboden


vor 1 Monat

In dieser Folge verraten wir euch,

in welche Bar ihr gehen müsst, wenn ihr auf Teppichboden an der
Decke steht,

wann es Sinn macht Übungen auf beide Körperhälften separat

und warum der Cross-Education/ Cross-Over Effekt unter Anderem in
der Reha eine Rolle spielen könnte.

Frohe Feiertage und bis hoffentlich im Neuen Jahr!

Erwähnte Studien:

Herbert, R. D. & Gandevia, S. C. (1996). Muscle activation in
unilateral and bilateral efforts assessed by motor nerve and
cortical stimulation. Journal Of Applied Physiology, 80(4),

Kalata, M., Maly, T., Hank, M., Michalek, J., Bujnovsky, D.,
Kunzmann, E. & Zahalka, F. (2020). Unilateral and Bilateral
Strength Asymmetry among Young Elite Athletes of Various Sports.
Medicina, 56(12), 683.

Lee, M., Gandevia, S. C. & Carroll, T. J. (2009). Unilateral
strength training increases voluntary activation of the opposite
untrained limb. Clinical Neurophysiology, 120(4), 802–808.

Liao, K., Nassis, G., Bishop, C., Yang, W., Bian, C. & Li, Y.
(2021). Effects of unilateral vs. bilateral resistance training
interventions on measures of strength, jump, linear and change of
direction speed: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Biology
Of Sport, 39(3), 485–497.

Nijem, R. M. & Galpin, A. J. (2014). Unilateral Versus
Bilateral Exercise and the Role of the Bilateral Force Deficit.
Strength And Conditioning Journal, 36(5), 113–118.

Suchomel, T. J., Nimphius, S., Bellon, C. R., & Stone, M. H.
(2018). The importance of muscular strength: Training
considerations. Sports Medicine, 48(4), 765–785.⁠

Gonzalo-Skok, O., Tous-Fajardo, J., Suarez-Arrones, L.,
Arjol-Serrano, J. L., Casajús, J. A., & Mendez-Villanueva, A.
(2017). Single-leg power output and between-limbs imbalances in
team-sport players: Unilateral versus bilateral combined
resistance training. International Journal of Sports Physiology
and Performance, 12(1), 106–114.⁠

Speirs, D. E., Bennett, M. A., Finn, C. V., & Turner, A. P.
(2016). Unilateral vs. bilateral squat training for strength,
sprints, and agility in academy rugby players. Journal of
Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(2), 386–392.⁠

Zhao, Y., Sun, M., Wang, X., & Xu, Q. (2024). Unilateral
plyometric jump training shows significantly more effective than
bilateral training in improving both time to stabilization and
peak landing force in single-leg land and hold test: A randomized
multi-arm study conducted among young male basketball players.
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 23, 647–655.⁠

Drouzas, V., Katsikas, C., Zafeiridis, A., Jamurtas, A. Z., &
Bogdanis, G. C. (2020). Unilateral plyometric training is
superior to volume-matched bilateral training for improving
strength, speed, and power of lower limbs in preadolescent soccer
athletes. Journal of Human Kinetics, 74, 161–176.⁠

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