Episode 61 - Staying Focused on What's Important for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Episode 61 - Staying Focused on What's Important for Auto Repair Shop Owners

7 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

There is one differentiator that separates the major players from
everyone else. That difference is focus. People tell me all the
time that they can't focus; that they don't have focus. I say
that's absolutely untrue. We all have focus. It's just what we
focus on that’s the problem? The reality is most of us, me
included, at times major in minor things. We spend our focus on
stuff that ultimately is inconsequential. And that's the
separation. It's all about being truly successful in whatever it
is you want. It's all about being able to stay focused on what's
important. I will give you the steps for focus, so press that
play button.

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