Episode 54 - It's Easy for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Episode 54 - It's Easy for Auto Repair Shop Owners

6 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

One of the biggest issues I see in communication is what I call a
translation issue. You know what I'm talking about? Have you ever
been with someone who is speaking only French, and you only speak
English? That's a translation issue. They're talking perfect.
You're listening perfect. But you don't understand each other
because there's no common ground. That's what happens a lot of
times when you're working with someone and showing them something
new. I want you to visualize a curtain and this curtain separates
people who have never done what you're talking about and people
who have. Ok, do you have that in your mind? Yes? Ok, keep
listening to see where I'm going with this.

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