Episode 49 - Mistakes are Merely Lessons for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Episode 49 - Mistakes are Merely Lessons for Auto Repair Shop Owners

6 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

What I want to talk about today is something that I've probably
mentioned before. The word is mistakes. I, literally, want to
kill the word mistakes. Here's why. Mistakes come repercussions.
When you use the word mistakes, it's negative. It's not growing.
It's not getting better. It's not true. We're not making
mistakes. I want you to stop thinking about mistakes. Why? When
there's a mistake made, the first thing we typically do is look
for someone or something to blame. We direct that negative energy
towards someone or something. But it doesn't do anything to make
it better. Blame is not the issue here. I don't care whose fault
it is. Press play here to hear tips on changing your mindset on
mistakes being negative.

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