Episode 27 - Memory Hacks for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Episode 27 - Memory Hacks for Auto Repair Shop Owners

7 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

There's so much going on all the time. People seem to think that
they are losing their memory. There are some really simple hacks
that can help you with your memory. So, my goal here is to give
you five simple hacks that will help you with your memory. There
were studies conducted that showed when you go to classes like I
put on at ASTE you’ll remember less than 10%  after 30
days.  I'll share with you five hacks that can help you with
your memory. And then I'm going to give you one extra for when
you're going to any kind of seminar or training that will help
you get better. Even if you aren't attending any seminars or
training you don't want to miss these. Keep listening along get a
little memory pick me up!

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