Episode 22 - Later is NOT Your Friend for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Episode 22 - Later is NOT Your Friend for Auto Repair Shop Owners

5 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

In the last episode, I talked about good enough and how dangerous
that term is for your business and your life.  Good enough
is the steppingstone to mediocrity and not one of us is ever
going to create the businesses that we want by being mediocre.
Step up and go for that Plus One mentality that I talked
about.  I want to tell you something very simple in this
episode.  Later is not your friend. Please listen to this.
Saying, “I'll do it later” is a dangerous mindset. You are
creating stress and tension in your life because you're
procrastinating. Be sure to follow along to hear a hack to use
when you find yourself saying "I'll do it later"! 

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