Episode 20 - You ARE an Example for Auto Repair Shop Owners

Episode 20 - You ARE an Example for Auto Repair Shop Owners

6 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

I want to talk to you about the word example. It's really
important because every one of us is an EXAMPLE. We are either a
teacher or we're a warning. It's not that you're all in or not in
or anything like that. That's not it at all. We are both good
examples and we're warnings. We all have both within us. This is
why I am so against hero worship. Hero worship is dangerous
because you put people on pedestals. You're putting fallible
human beings on pedestals, and at some point, they will
disappoint you. And when they disappoint you, when you feel let
down by that person, you end up throwing away all the examples
and you label them as bad. If that has you interested and you are
wanting to lead by example for your team or just in life.. then
keep listening along!

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