Thematic investment solutions in the ESG segment (EN)

Thematic investment solutions in the ESG segment (EN)

What is the current status of thematic implementation in the ESG segment? Which segments (solar, wind, hydro) are trending? What are the investment results? Which strategies have proved successful so far, which have not and why? Where is the trend heading
40 Minuten


vor 5 Tagen
What is the current status of thematic implementation in the ESG
segment? Which segments (solar, wind, hydro) are trending? What are
the investment results? Which strategies have proved successful so
far, which have not and why? Where is the trend heading? Topic:
Thematic investment solutions in the ESG segment Speaker: - Michael
Haupt, Head AMCs and Thematic Investment - Kenneth Lamont, Senior
Analyst, Manager Research - Dr. René Nicolodi, Head Equities &
Themes Moderation: Christian Trixl, CEO, Amundi SchweizDisclaimer
DE: Der Inhalt dieser Folge dient der allgemeinen Information und
ist keine Empfehlung zum Kauf oder zur Veräusserung bestimmter
Finanzinstrumente. Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr und es handelt
sich nicht um Anlageberatung.   EN: The content of this
episode is for general information purposes only and does not
constitute a recommendation to buy or sell specific financial
instruments. All information is provided without guarantee and does
not constitute investment advice.

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