#052 Es wird Weihnachten: European Championship, Set 7&8 und Geschenke

#052 Es wird Weihnachten: European Championship, Set 7&8 und Geschenke

59 Minuten


vor 4 Tagen

Links zur Folge:

Gewinnspiel: Gewinne ein D23 Set mit Ravensburger und

EU Championships Rückblick (Battle Bear Lorcana mit Martin)

LCCC Punktestand und Matches

LCCC Decks

The InkCast Heroic Mode (anders als Flokkis Loremander)

Loremander Rgeln (Flokki)

Lorecana Story

Lorcana Story Lore (MushuReport)

Lorcana Story bis Set 4 Garrick's Lorcana Lair

Lorcana Story bis Set 5 Brian Hull

Tintenvorrat ist der deutschsprachige Fan-Podcast rund um das
Sammelkartenspiel (TCG) Disney Lorcana von Ravensburger. Egal ob
Sammler, Casual oder Competitive, hier bist du richtig! Bei
Fragen oder Anregungen schreib’ uns unter tintenvorrat@gmail.com.

Tintenvorrat (ehemals LorcanaDACH)
Discord: https://discord.gg/tintenvorrat

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tintenvorrat

Martins Content: https://linktr.ee/whippet_plays

Unser Content: https://linktr.ee/tintenvorrat/

Tintenvorrat Patreon

Lorcana Wörterbuch

Heroic: A New Lorcana Format (von The InkCast)

What does every Disney Movie have in common? They all revolve
around a main Hero accompanied by their ally sidekick and that
iconic song that you can't help but sing along to. In Heroic we
emphasize these principals in this exciting, brand-new format for
Lorcana! Heroic empowers us to play with our favorite cards we
otherwise miss out on in the normal meta, as well as create epic
Lorcana stories with the Family and Friends we enjoyed all those
Disney Masterpieces with.


1. Each Deck will consist of 3 main cards:

Hero = Any Legendary Character; a Character with the rarity
of Legendary from Lorcana.

Sidekick = Any Character card with the subtype of Ally

Iconic Song = Any Song that can be sung by your Hero
(Currently we have banned A Whole New World in this slot)

2. Your 3 cards above will make up your deck color Identity. You
may have up to 3 colors of cards in your deck, this is based on
the colors of the above selected cards. You can run fewer than 3
colors if you have matching colors within your 3 chosen cards.

3. Your entire deck will be 100 cards, 3 cards above + 97 unique
cards. This will be a singleton format which just means each card
can only appear 1 time within your entire 100 card deck.

4. Your 3 above cards will start the game in their own designated
area. Think of this as a second hand that everyone at the table
can see. You can cast these 3 cards at any time during the game
as long as you have enough ink to do so.

5. Ink Tax = Each time you cast one of the 3 special cards you
will add 1 to the tax amount. This means each time you play one
of these cards the cost will be the cost of the card + the tax
amount. Example: If you play your Hero then the next time you
play your Hero, Song or Ally they will cost 1 additional ink when
played. This is cumulative and shared so it will grow each time
you use these cards.

6. Heroic is a Free For All (FFA) format. This means everyone is
playing against each other in a race to win. If your cards say
opponents, they will interact with all of your opponents. If your
cards say opponent (not plural) You will select which opponent.
Use these to your advantage during the game to gain favor with
other players and maybe paint a bigger target on someone else.

7. The player to 30 Lore first is the winner. Players will play
Lorcana normally except we will be racing to 30 lore instead of

Additional Notes:

Shift can be used with your Hero to get around the Ink Tax Your
special Song can be sung by any character, but the Ink Tax must
be included within the cost to sing


Hero = N/A

Ally = N/A

Song = A Whole New World

Overall = N/A

Watchlist = Mufasa, Ruler of Pride Rock (Hero); Be Prepared
(Iconic Song); Diablo, Devoted Hearld (Ally)



Tintenvorrat ist ein inoffizieller Fan-Podcast für Disney Lorcana
und steht in keinem Zusammenhang mit Ravensburger und Disney.

Tintenvorrat Podcast uses trademarks and/or copyrights associated
with Disney Lorcana TCG, used under Ravensburger’s
Community Code Policy
(https://cdn.ravensburger.com/lorcana/community-code-en). We are
expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this
content. The Tintenvorrat Podcast is not published, endorsed, or
specifically approved by Disney or Ravensburger. For more
information about Disney Lorcana TCG,
visit https://www.disneylorcana.com/en-US/.”

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