About Prof. Dr. Thomas A. Frank CEO from TAF180 (AG) Switzerland

About Prof. Dr. Thomas A. Frank CEO from TAF180 (AG) Switzerland

12 Minuten


vor 1 Woche

This is about Prof. Dr. Thomas Alexander Frank the Founder of the
TAF180 (AG) wich offers Coaching . Advice . training . therapy .
supervision . mediation & organizational development .
Occupational Health Management (BGM) . Intercultural Training We
have been supporting individuals, organizations and institutions
for over 25 years. Prof. Dr. phil. Thomas A. Frank has a
doctorate in rehabilitation science with a focus on psychological
education, a diploma in occupational therapy and professor for
psychology and health care management at the

Warsaw Management University. Book our consultation anywhere,
online via video or in person. More info at www.TAF180.com
#kognitive #Gesundheit #digital #Health #Management #Education
#Neuropsychologie #Mental #HNWI #Psychologie #Ergotherapie
#Professor #Doktor #Frank #Training #Therapie #Philosophie
#Denken #Thinking #Meaning #OccupationalHealth #Health #Work
#Mental #Fitness #Power #Berlin #Mitte #Psychotherapie
#Psychotherapy #zuerich #seefeld

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