What stories from Australia went around the world in 2024? - Welche News aus Australien sind 2024 durch die Welt gegangen?

What stories from Australia went around the world in 2024? - Welche News aus Australien sind 2024 durch die Welt gegangen?

New Year's Eve is approaching. It's time to review the year. Therefore, SBS producer Benjamin Kanthak invited Barbara Barkhausen into the studio, who, as a foreign correspondent, knows only too well which stories from Australia made it into the world news
18 Minuten
Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and German-speaking Australians. - Nachrichten und Geschichten aus unserer deutschsprachigen Community in Australien, in deutscher Sprache.


vor 1 Tag
New Year's Eve is approaching. It's time to review the year.
Therefore, SBS producer Benjamin Kanthak invited Barbara Barkhausen
into the studio, who, as a foreign correspondent, knows only too
well which stories from Australia made it into the world news this
year. - Silvester nähert sich. Zeit, das Jahr Revue passieren zu
lassen. Dafür hat SBS-Produzent Benjamin Kanthak seine Kollegin
Barbara Barkhausen ins Studio geholt, die als
Auslandskorrespondetin nur zu gut weiß, welche Nachrichten aus
unserer Region es dieses Jahr auch in die Weltnachrichten

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