Lesson 24: Die weibliche Perspektive / Adjective Endings in the Nominative
This is one of the most important points in German, and the German
language is (in)famous for its endings, so you've likely heard of
them already. Here you want to be sure to take small steps and you
want to avoid trying to learn all the endings in...
14 Minuten
vor 1 Woche
This is one of the most important points in German, and the
German language is (in)famous for its endings, so you've likely
heard of them already. Here you want to be sure to take small
steps and you want to avoid trying to learn all
the endings in all the cases all at once.
It bears repeating to be sure to learn these adjective endings
one case at a time.
Review the transcript, study the lesson and do the quizzes:
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