Lesson 21: Tooooor (Gooooooal) / Wechselpräpositionen

Lesson 21: Tooooor (Gooooooal) / Wechselpräpositionen

These Wechselpräpositionen are also known as the "two-way prepositions." You could also think of them as double-use prepositions or change-up prepositions. To understand how that double-use functions, you need to already be familiar with the...
15 Minuten


vor 1 Woche

These Wechselpräpositionen are also known as the
"two-way prepositions." You could also think of them as
double-use prepositions or change-up prepositions. To understand
how that double-use functions, you need to already be familiar
with the Akkusativ and the
Dativ, which you are.

First we'll look at the prepositions and then we'll walk through
how they are used.

Review the transcript, study the lesson and do the quizzes:

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