#027 Stuard Phillips from "B.W.Y. Canien LTD."

#027 Stuard Phillips from "B.W.Y. Canien LTD."

1 Stunde 31 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

Oh man, we've just had a really nice time getting to know each
other. Well, at least I got to know Stuard since I was the one
asking questions, and it was just great. Stu is a very
knowledgable but humble Welsh guy. One of the first things he
taught me, was that real men are into rugby, not football, and
apart from that, I could gain a lot more useful information
throughout our conversation. 

In over 23 years of being operational as an agency doghandler,
then in the privat sector and meanwhile runnig his own very
successfull business, Stu definately has a lot to share. So
listen in, and don't forget to share our podcast, let us know how
you liked it, give us a nice rating on your podcast app. Thank
you, stay safe! 

Links to Stu

Website of Stu

Facebook of Stu

Instagram of Stu

Youtube of Stu


If you have any comments to our podcast please send us an email
to office@kynotec.at or contact us on facebook or instagram. We'd
appreciate you subscribing to the show and even more, if you
shared the podcast with your friends and colleagues. Please give
us feedback and a rating on the app that you use. Thanks! :)

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