#002 Introduction of Kynotalk with Flo Schneider
3 Minuten
vor 2 Jahren
Great to have you here! My name is Florian Schneider. I am one of
the founders of the Kynotec GmbH in Austria and I am responsible
for all the training aspects, the education of external and
internal teams, the selection, purchase and sale of dogs as well
as product development such as our scentwheels or our camera
system "Kynotec Recon One". I'm always looking for something new
- for example new ways of training, trying to understand theory
and applying it in practice, researching the approaches of others
and taking part in courses and further educations with renowned
trainers worldwide, I follow various channels, watch and listen.
It seems as if success in dog training is not only due to the
love for the dogs, I try to find out WHO and most importantly WHY
and HOW trainers and specialists are so successful in their
respective branches. So you can expect on "not dog-related"
topics in this podcast, but on everything to do with the people
in the show, their work, research and studies, entrepreneurship,
breeding and who knows what else comes to our mind.
With Kynotalk we want to offer a channel through which we can
think outside the box and escape from our , as we say in german
„own business blindness“. Kynotalk will be published in English
and German, depending on the origin of our interview partners. So
we hope to expand our network to give even more listeners the
opportunity to learn new things, easily and from anywhere, just
by listening to our podcast. At Kynotalk I will record
"monologues" and share my thoughts with you, but since I don't
have too much to say , I will do my best to invite special guests
to the show who have influenced me or whose work impresses me.
I am interested in how we can optimize the training of dog teams,
raise quality standards in order to make operations more
efficient and thereby strengthen the relevance of workingdogs in
all sectors for the future. Training aspects, selection of dogs,
theories and practices, self-motivation and everything related to
the business. I want to know how to improve myself, or as my
friend Dirk would say "how to get a little less bad every day".
So let's deal with problems, try to understand causes and
consequences, listen to how experienced and smart trainers and
experts in their field see things, reveal their routines and give
us an insight into their work.
In order not to miss anything, subscribe to our podcast and check
out our social media to find out more about us and our interview
guests. And if you like what you're hearing, then share our
podcast with your colleagues, one good turn deserves another.
Let’s do this
Kynotec GmbH
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