135 Orbiting Rob
Chris quizzes Rob about his upcoming departure from the Zooniverse.
There is some brief coverage of news, but also politics, gadgets
reviews and other nonsense. A sensible as ever. [MP3 Link] Episode
#135. If you have anything you’d like us to look at, or
vor 9 Jahren
Chris quizzes Rob about his upcoming departure from the
Zooniverse. There is some brief coverage of news, but also
politics, gadgets reviews and other nonsense. A sensible as ever.
[MP3 Link]
Episode #135. If you have anything you’d like us to look at, or
any questions you’d like us to answer - use the links at the top
of the web page at http://recycledelec.com. Follow us on Twitter
@recycledelec @orbitingfrog and @chrislintott.
Audio content Copyright 2011-2015 Chris Lintott and Robert
Simpson. Many thanks to Oxford Press Office for recording space.
Podcast Image of lightbulb courtesy of Flickr user bazik
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