135 Orbiting Rob

135 Orbiting Rob

Chris quizzes Rob about his upcoming departure from the Zooniverse. There is some brief coverage of news, but also politics, gadgets reviews and other nonsense. A sensible as ever. [MP3 Link] Episode #135. If you have anything you’d like us to look at, or


vor 9 Jahren

Chris quizzes Rob about his upcoming departure from the
Zooniverse. There is some brief coverage of news, but also
politics, gadgets reviews and other nonsense. A sensible as ever.

[MP3 Link]

Episode #135. If you have anything you’d like us to look at, or
any questions you’d like us to answer - use the links at the top
of the web page at http://recycledelec.com. Follow us on Twitter
@recycledelec @orbitingfrog and @chrislintott.


Audio content Copyright 2011-2015 Chris Lintott and Robert
Simpson. Many thanks to Oxford Press Office for recording space.
Podcast Image of lightbulb courtesy of Flickr user bazik

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