125 SpaceShipTwo

125 SpaceShipTwo

Chris and Rob talk about the SpaceShipTwo accident and the Antares one too. Not a good week for human spaceflight. There’s also electrolysis with pencils, and a not-rainbow. Links: Stunning sunlit seas on Titan: http://io9.com/a-stunning-view-of-sunlit-se


vor 10 Jahren

Chris and Rob talk about the SpaceShipTwo accident and the
Antares one too. Not a good week for human spaceflight. There’s
also electrolysis with pencils, and a not-rainbow.


Stunning sunlit seas on
Titan: http://io9.com/a-stunning-view-of-sunlit-seas-on-titan-1653204944/+spacemika

SpaceShipTwo: http://www.universetoday.com/115869/virgin-galactics-spaceshiptwo-suffers-in-flight-anomaly-crashes-in-flight-test

You can’t fly through a
rainbow: http://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/oct/29/fly-over-rainbow-break-laws-physics

Chang’e 5 T1 returns amazing image of Moon and
Earth: http://www.planetary.org/blogs/emily-lakdawalla/2014/10280900-change-5-t1-rounds-the-lunar.html

Electrolysis of Water with pencils and a 9V
battery http://orbitingfrog.com/2014/11/02/electrolysis-of-water-with-pencils-and-a-9v-battery

[MP3 Link]

Episode #125. If you have anything you’d like us to look at, or
any questions you’d like us to answer - use the links at the top
of the web page at http://recycledelec.com. Follow us on Twitter
@recycledelec @orbitingfrog and @chrislintott.


Audio content Copyright 2011-2014 Chris Lintott and Robert
Simpson. Many thanks to Oxford Press Office for recording space.
Podcast Image of lightbulb courtesy of Flickr user bazik

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