Aron Eisenberg's Big Moment, Part 2 | DS9 7.10, "It's Only A Paper Moon" | T7R #181

Aron Eisenberg's Big Moment, Part 2 | DS9 7.10, "It's Only A Paper Moon" | T7R #181

Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko in Star Trek Deep Space Nine), Malissa Longo, and Ryan T. Husk review DS9's episode 7.10, "It's Only a Paper Moon." Produced by Ryan T. Husk. Audio Remastered by Scott Jensen. Executive Producer: Dr. Susan V. Gruner...
2 Stunden 12 Minuten
The 7th Rule -- A Star Trek Podcast with DS9's Cirroc Lofton
The 7th Rule began when Aron Eisenberg & Cirroc Lofton (Nog & Jake Sisko from Star Trek Deep Space Nine) reunited and teamed up with host Ryan T. Husk in January of 2019 to rewatch and discuss the show we all know and love. Years later, and after.....


vor 2 Jahren
Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko in Star Trek Deep Space Nine), Malissa
Longo, and Ryan T. Husk review DS9's episode 7.10, "It's Only a
Paper Moon."

Produced by Ryan T. Husk.
Audio Remastered by Scott Jensen.

Executive Producer:
Dr. Susan V. Gruner

Associate Producers:
Homer Frizzell
Dr. Ann Marie Segal
Eve England
Yvette Blackmon-Tom
Carmen aka Skillet
Timothy Baum
TJ Jackson-Bey
Bill Victor Arucan
Titus Mohler
Darlena Marie Blander
John Mann
Dr. Mohamed Noor
Tierney C. Dieckmann
Anna Post
Rex A. Wood
Anil O. Polat
Dr. Frank Soboczenski
Patrick David Lindsley
Joe Balsarotti
Erika Stroem
Mike Gu
Neal Akasaka
Stephanie Baker
Justine Norton-Kertson
Carrie Schwent
Faith Howell

Special Thanks to Mark Roco
Special Thanks to Janice Sangunitto

Every week, we rewatch an episode of Deep Space Nine, relive and
review it. Join us!
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have you!

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We continue The 7th Rule journey without our friend, our brother,
Aron Eisenberg.
He is still with us in spirit, in stories, in laughter, and in
memories, and the show must go on.

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"Aron Eisenberg's Big Moment, Part 2 | DS9 7.10, "It's Only A Paper Moon" | T7R #181"
"The 7th Rule -- A Star Trek Podcast with DS9's Cirroc Lofton"
"Aron Eisenberg's Big Moment, Part 2 | DS9 7.10, "It's Only A Paper Moon" | T7R #181"
"The 7th Rule -- A Star Trek Podcast with DS9's Cirroc Lofton"