Are we losing the battle for truth?

Are we losing the battle for truth?

52 Minuten


vor 3 Wochen

Prof. Dr. Marion G. Müller, Professor of Media Communication at
the University of Trier and a leading expert in visual
communication and political media, joins today Campus Voices. As
the initiator of the VisComX Lab, she specializes in war imagery,
AI-generated media, and the impact of visual content on global
events. She is also the author of "Grundlagen dervisuellen
Kommunikation", a foundational work on visual media theory, and
"Politische Bildstrategien im amerikanischen
Präsidentschaftswahlkampf", an in-depth analysis of the evolution
of U.S. political imagery.

In this episode, we cover:

- War images & empathy

- How visuals influence public opinion

- AI-generated “FAKE REALITIES”

- The risks of synthetic media

- Elon Musk & the power of digital platforms

- Essential skills for future media professionals

...and much more!

Hope you enjoy!

Your Campus Radio

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"Are we losing the battle for truth?"
"Der Portacast"