WebbAlert - September  9, 2008

WebbAlert - September 9, 2008


vor 16 Jahren

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Plastic Logic announces a new e-reading device that could revolutionize/save the newspaper industry. Can you guess what it's made out of?

The brain behind the iPod has finally been revealed. Apple gallantly waited to make the announcement until it needed rescuing during a lawsuit.

One Laptop Per Child has partnered with Amazon to bring inexpensive computers to kids in developing countries.

Real DVD lets you burn DVDs legally. There are some drawbacks to obeying the law, though.

Google teams up with GeoEye to improve their satellite imaging services. But they aren't the only ones likely to benefit from the satellite's higher resolution capabilities.

US intelligence agencies will soon have their own social networking site.

Forty percent of the internet consists of porn or smutty material. Are you surprised or disappointed?
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