WebbAlert - September 15, 2008

WebbAlert - September 15, 2008


vor 16 Jahren

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Thanks to some key partners, Amazon will bring wine to your door like never before. (Feel free to use that as your slogan, Amazon.)

User reviews of Will Wright's game Spore vanish then reappear on Amazon.

Yahoo gets its first redesign in two years and also courts third-party developers for the first time.

MySpace is set to roll out its new music service that will give you access to iTunes-rivaling amounts of content for free.

Seth McFarlane's YouTube channel shoots to number one in just a week. The high profile deal between McFarlane and Google seems to be paying off.

Microsoft rolls out its second Seinfeld/Bill Gates ad, and everyone is still just as confused about the whole 'icebreaker' strategy.

HP rumored to be working on its own operating system to replace Windows Vista on its computers. Could HP be the next Apple?

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