WebbAlert - September 22, 2008

WebbAlert - September 22, 2008


vor 15 Jahren

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First Sarah Palin's email getshacked, and now "hacktivists" have exposed
hundreds of user accounts on Bill O'Reilly's website? Is nothing sacred?

EBay wants to sell off its multi-million dollar misstep, StumbleUpon, before it costs them any more money. At least, they won't lose as much as they did with Skype. Ouch.

If you Google "impressively personal and compelling," chances are you'll come across Sergey Brin's new blog. It has nothing to do with him co-founding Google either.

Independent developers are hitting their creative strides and finding fistfuls of cash thanks to Apple's massively successful application store.

Microsoft's new ad campaign shifts into its post-Seinfeld phase and takes aim at Apple in earnest. "I'm a PC, and I'm starting to make sense."

By the time you're done reading this paragraph, someone cooler than you will be eating a pizza they bought from a vending machine. You're right to feel jealous. I know I am.

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